Just snuck into Wil’s room to see how he was sleeping and found him texting again! This has become a real problem for him, it affecting his attitude during the day and he is starting to alienate himself from our family. At dinner, he spits at me until I agree to let him have my phone to text his so-called friends. I’m worried. If anyone has experienced this problem in their 1 year and can help please leave a comment below. Pray for us.
I am a mother of just one sweet little boy. He is 10 now. It’s so hard to give advise as all children are different. But I can tell you what I have learned thru the years….I’ve made many mistakes. My son has been diagnosed with autism or sensory intigration issues…both the same really. For behavioral concerns, map him read on paper his routine. I found my son likes his time out, needs to learn by himself. I think he gets tired of us adults pushing him to do what we want. Has your experienced the ipad? I think this could a good goto tool because you can have purely learning tools and music. If it is sensory, the screen on your phone could be what’s drawing him to it? As for the spitting, my son tries to scratch, showing me his annoyance that I won’t give him what he wants. I want to give my son the world and for him to have what he wants when he wants it, but reality is life doesn’t work that way…and I have to teach him just that. So I put my foot down and ignore his way of tantrums and try to stay positive. When my son gets upset and wants to cry I cuddle him and tell him it’s ok that he’s upset and stay firm and not give in. DS kids are renoun for being stubborn, strong willed and getting what they want. I have to remind myself he’s a normal kid in many ways and that he has to learn for his own good. I hope I’ve helped in some way and wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and new year. Take care lianne
Hi Lianne,
Thank you so much for your comments regarding this post. I’ve had a few people send kind comments regarding different parenting techniques related to older special needs kids with behavioral problems. Its nice to see there are so many supportive people out there. I should have made it more clear that this was meant in humor. This photo was actually staged one night when I was getting ready to put Wil to bed. I recognize this could be a potential problem as he gets older so I am thankful for the recommendations. Ive since added an update to this post.
LOL!!!! I don’t know what to say. Maybe you guys need to do an intervention! This could help as long as its done with alot of
prayer and Love! Love you guys! Your Auntie!<3 <3 <3