Around the 1st of December, a random Christmas elf showed up in our family room. At first, I was alarmed and told the kids to stay in their rooms while I tried to figure out what was going on. I was going to call the police but my wife told me I was overreacting. We called our neighbors and apparently, some of them have elves in their houses as well. Our neighbors seem to think this is normal and tell us that he will be in our home until Christmas. They also told us that he would watch our children during the day and wander our house at night getting into things. They thought this was normal and that “it is so fun”. I’m not sure how I feel about a small stranger in red tights wandering around my home at night watching my kids. I want to be positive about this but it makes me nervous. I’ve decided to allow him to stay (I don’t think I really have a choice) but I am keeping a close eye on him and have decided to document his activity while he is living here. I will continue to add days to this post until he decides to return home to the North Pole. If you have any advice about having an elf in your home please leave it in the comments below.
If you want to learn more about the camera I use to get these photos CLICK HERE
Day 1: This morning we woke up to find an elf in our family room. Our neighbors seem to think this is normal and tell us that he will be in our home until Christmas. So far he hasn’t talked much, he mainly just sits around eating all of our candy while he watches us. I asked him if he was potty trained and he threw a candy cane at me – I hope that means yes.
Day 2: The elf is still hanging around. I made pancakes this morning but we had to eat them without syrup because he wouldn’t share. He just sat on our bananas and watched us eat.
Day 3: Okay this elf needs to go back to the Candy Cane forest or wherever he came from. Today was the second day Wil missed his nap because the elf woke him up to tell him Narwhal jokes. My family is starting to love having the elf in our home but I still think he needs to go.
Day 4: The elf has been a huge help wrapping presents this week, but I was not as grateful when I stumbled to the bathroom in the middle of the night and found this present.
Day 5: Third time telling this elf not to put cookies in the VCR! He is fascinated with jamming them in there.
Day 6: “I could totally let you drive Santa’s sleigh, I do it all of the time.” Our elf is such a womanizer.
Day 7: Tonight was the first night the elf ate dinner with us. He never broke eye contact with me the entire dinner. I asked him repeatedly to get off the table but he just threw noodles at me.
Day 8: Heard some giggling sounds last night coming from the front room. Flipped on the lights and caught the elf red handed. Somebody needs to start earning his keep around here.
Day 9: I took all of the syrup and candy canes out of the house hoping the elf would leave but it only made things worse. He deliberately let me see his report to the big man tonight as a scare tactic. “Dear Santa, They have not been feeding me enough sugar.” I think he is serious about sending it.
Day 10: Tonight we left the elf all alone in the house for the first time. It was very nerve racking for me. I was so happy to pull in the driveway and not see my house on fire. The elf wouldn’t stop bragging about beating Godzilla at every game we own.
Day 11: This time the elf has gone too far. Tonight he waited until I had my eyes closed in the shower and then snuck up and started singing “Joy to the World” at the top of his lungs.
Day 11: Every morning the elf insists on throwing marshmallows at me while I eat my sugarless cereal. I don’t like marshmallows in my cereal, I’m not four years old!
Day 12: The elf told me that he needed to borrow my phone to make an emergency call to Santa. When I got my phone back I noticed there were no outgoing calls but my camera roll was loaded with selfies (which he referred to as “elfies”).
Day 13: I think the elf is taking the phrase “he sees you when you’re sleeping” a little too seriously. The kids don’t mind him at night but I refuse to have an elf watch me sleep.
Day 14: I was going into the kitchen for a late snack tonight and heard “Ho Ho Ho, I am Santa Claus!” coming from our fridge. After opening the fridge I decided to go back to bed.
Day 15: When I asked him to stop he told me I had no Christmas spirit. What does racing a dog down the stairs on a sled have to do with Christmas spirit?
Day 16 (Christmas Eve): I tricked him into getting in the box by putting gum drops at the bottom of it. He popped up right before I was about to tape the top and told me I was listening to the devil. I just want to make sure Santa picks him up tonight. I over heard him making plans with the kids and now I’m worried.
To read about Christmas morning Click Here
SO SO SO VERY CUTE! I am jealous that I didn’t think of this myself! He is a doll!
I know right???
You are KILLING me with the cuteness of this. Like your elf is so cute I’m going to DIIIIIEEEEE.
He is so cute !!
This is so very sweet! I love it! You have the cutest elf I have ever seen!
Right i know
LOVE this. We have a 5 mo old and I wish I would have done this myself.
The photos are super funny and absolutely adorable! Way to go!!
I feel that although this is meant to be “cute” and “fun” I believe that it is very unsafe and others are going to copy this to be better, cuter and more fun and some innocent baby is going to get hurt.
This is how accidents occur.
Thank you. I use Photoshop so it has the appearance that he is sitting on his own but I am actually holding him. Everyone should use caution when dealing with elves and babies.
…brilliant Photoshop work Alan! I’ve just found your site as I am researching on how to start a Dad blog! I too dabble with Photoshop so I can appreciate your work! Made me chuckle and such a cute little Elf! Brilliant! Keep up the great work! If you could give one tip on starting a Dad starting a blog, what would that be?
Hi Rich, Write about what you enjoy and dont worry about what other may think. I was worried people may not like the Wil Can Fly photos but later decided that I didnt care what others thought. It meant something to me and that was all that mattered.
Best of luck.
Always one in the bunch…. liberal nimrods… way to go dad!!!!! What a cool little dude!!!! Good work brother…..
Now why did you have to go negative? This is hilarious! Nobody could possible think a baby can balance on a shower rod. And as a liberal myself (left of center anyway) I don’t want to be thrown in with the same group that would think this is anything but adorable and VERY funny!
The baby was never left alone, someone was holding him on ledges etc. Photoshop for the win!
Thank you for clearing that up, Jessica — I thought the pictures were adorable but I did hope someone was watching close enough to catch the elf if he started to fall from what appeared to be the railing of a stairway landing (I assumed in the showershot Dad could; and I did wonder how he was able to climb to the shelf. having grand kids who liked, when they were small, to climb everywhere possible (but not safe 🙂 I know how they have to be watched and careening around sharp corners — also loved teh final, sunset picture— I wish you all wonderful Christmas adn new year.
A dad with this much creativity would not put his child in danger. This took much though and planning. Lighten up…not everyone needs parenting advice.
It is Photoshopped. Zero danger. Keep the humor alive.
I knew this comment was coming–only a matter of time until someone who isn’t photography savvy points out what an unsafe parent this is! Not unsafe-CREATIVE and gifted in design and art! One blessed baby-to have those in his genes! ?❤️
If Bunny had seen and read Alan’s website blog, she would have realized that Alan and his wife are AMAZINGLY AWSOME people. Shame on you, Bunny. It’s people like you who are so quick to call the child protective services. I have two autistic spectrum children and I know first hand the challenges of raising special children AND the challenges of dealing with people who are so willing to cast stones. I’m glad Bunny didn’t see Will being tossed into the Grand Canyon (also photo-shopped, disclaimer) LOL!
Oh lawd have mercy on us & deliver us from people who cannot tell photoshopped pictures from unphotoshopped pictures!! Stop trying to take the joy & fun out of what this amazingly creative Dad did to bring smiles, giggles & a little Joy to other people’s days!!
I am actually glad you made this comment and the creator replied. I was so curious as to how he did it! Each pic I studied trying to see a hand or maybe something holding the elf I seriously doubted Photoshop because of how well it was done and the child’s expressions were perfect with each picture! He definitely took a lot of time and effort but I’m always the one going “how in the world!?” Lol Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂
Merry Christmas
It says in the article Photoshop was used. I highly doubt anyone would put their child in danger for a few Christmas photos.
Bunny, Take a nap!
The article stated that some of the pictures were photo shopped and the baby was never in danger if you had taken the time to read it. Unless you did and just like being negative.
Your little elf is adorable!!! These pictures are just too cute!
He is too precious!
Best Elf Ever!
This has really made me smile, what a content little baby you have!
He is the funniest little munchkin.
Love these pictures! They made me laugh!
This is such a wonderful and cute idea!! i loved it and it made my day!
Rockwell is the cutest elf ever! Great blog – thanks for sharing your idea and photos..can’t wait to see the rest!
This is soooooooooo cute & creative!!! Thank you so much for sharing your adorable Elf with us! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
What a nice twist on
The original elf. He is super cute and seems into every scenario!! Made my
day!! ?
So cute! Wish I would have thought of it. Good job dad!!
Awesome! Thank you for sharing.
Absolutely adorable!
Too funny, cute, and creative. I can’t wait to see what your elf does next! I’m having a hard time in life right now and this made me smile, thanks!! Give that little elf a kiss for me. ?
Hi Brenda, Im so glad to hear that these brightened your day, that’s why we made them. Smiles from Rockwell and family.
You’re in my prayers, Brenda, for the encouragement you need!
These are THE cutest ever!!!! What an absolutely fun idea 🙂 and they turned out perfectly!!
I was wondering where you got the name Rockwell from? That’s my name also and other than my dad I don’t know any other Rockwells
There was a Utah pioneer named Porter Rockwell that I loved hearing stories about while growing up. Such a solid name.
Love the name Rockwell as well (& the Porter Rockwell reference. I’ve read a few pieces on him too)
Your sweet elf was the first thing I saw online this am and it was a super cute way to start the morning! Thinking the Elf on the Shelf will no longer creep me out knowing there’s a “new one” in town.
Christmas Blessings from the Bruner Family (Nauvoo Stake)
Been to Nauvoo – rad place.
lol — you’re a pinster, too — love it ( no relatioship to Norman Rockwell? thought maybe some of his genes got to you
I wish
LOVE THIS ! So adorable !!!
You are a whiz with the camera and the kids. Thanks for bringing this little bit of joy into our holiday!
You need to send me your elf, he is way better than mine. Just love the little guy.
So creative and obviously adorable! The other kids should be incorporated into a few pictures too!
So precious. How in the world did you pull off the balancing act ? Thanks for making my day.
So Creative. Completely Adorable. Absolutely Perfect!!
Such a happy little boy! He is too cute! I don’t have kids, so please pardon my naivete, but how in the world did you get him to sit so still / straight? I’m sure someone is bracing him in some of the pics, but he is holding himself up in others…? Adorable! Thank you for sharing him with us! 😀
This is hands down one of the best things I have ever seen, thank you for sharing your little elf! He has made my day brighter!!
Keep smiling
That little elf is absolutely adorable and you are obviously a great dad! Thanks for sharing and making us smile.
these are so awesome!!!!! such a cute baby!!!!
Your pictures made my day!!! So dang adorable!!
i love it! so adorable! but how do you get him to perch like that? is it photoshop?
I love this! So darling. It makes me almost want an Elf on the Shelf in my home … almost
(ok, not at all – but, I do love YOUR elf) 🙂 Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas
Amazing. Merry Christmas. Blessings to all.
Merry Christmas
These are adorable. He is such a handsome little man. I would love to have done this, but my 9mo old would have ripped the hat off his head. So photogenic.
Is there more to come? I was hoping to see days 13-18! Darling little baby you have, and I’m looking forward to exploring your blog. I’m a mother to five.
I absolutely love this!!! the best and cutest Elf on the Shelf I have ever seen!!!
Adorable!! How did u get a 4 month old to sit up by himself? And in such odd places?
Oh My gosh! CUTEST Elf on a shelf EVER! The others I find kinda creepy. This one, definitely not! Love to read the antics each day.
He is here causing all kinds of trouble
This is a genius idea!!!!! and How adorable is that elf. My favorite one was the one of Wil and the elf!!! wish I would have thought of this when my oldest son was small. He was easy going as your elf, well at 21 he still is easy going..LOL
Thank you for doing this.
We can’t find our elf on the shelf this year and my grandsons are going to love this. I’ll tell them you have him and caught him in action.
This is just too cleaver and he is adorable. I can’t wait to see the shots of Wil.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Merry Christmas
That was so cute! I was laughing so hard at work I had tears streaming down my face.
Perfect. Mission accomplished
Dad, you should really be ashamed of yourself. How could you blame this sweet, adorable, innocent little elf of mischief.. He is the cutest baby ever…. Love your article, love your pictures and your blog.. Very interested in reading more in the future.. Good job Elf on the Shelf…
did you photoshop out whatever is supporting your little elf? You did an excellent job of it!
Would love to know what Photoshop techniques you used! These are adorable and priceless!
wow! love this! so cute and creative 🙂
loving this new millennial christmas tradition
How old is he? He is so adorable. Such a cute happy baby. I have 4 kids and none of mine would ever sit still for anything like this.
Just as well that ignorant elf doesn’t know his ‘tablet’ isn’t connected to the internet (see #9). “Go ahead elf- send your report to Santa! Send all the messages you like… ”
But seriously now, how did you manage to hold up the elf on the shower railing?
And your wrapping the toilet in Christmas paper is giving me ideas for a few Christmas day surprises…. hmm… perhaps I’m of elfin-heritage myself?
Your elf appears to have amazing balance. How does he not topple over from shower curtains, mantels, etc.?
P.S. He’s amazingly cute and has a super photographer at his disposal.
He takes yoga three times a day. But mainly I just use Photoshop. Merry Christmas.
I love your elf’s creativity!!! You probably have the cutest elf on the shelf in the world. I will be back to see what other mischief he comes up with! Happy holidays.
Merry Christas!
Too, too cute! Your little one is adorable and what wonderful memory your are making for him to look at someday!
How adorable. What a precious elf Rockwell makes. Made me smile. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Merry Christmas!
What a clever idea, a real elf on the shelf. He is adorable and I can tell he is into it. Seems like he really enjoyed throwing the marshmello at Dad. I can tell Dad is into it too. That took a lot of patience and time. Each scene is so cute. I like all of them.
Thanks for sharing this. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Thanks. Merry Christmas!
Absolutely adorable!! Cutest thing I have seen in years!! He’s adorable!! Keep it up little Elf..your doing a great job!!
I want one? Where can I get an elf like Rockwell?
Global warming has caused him to be the last of his kind 😉
Cutest Baby, So Adorable
These are adorable!! How did you get him to sit up without falling over??
I am actually holding him and then use Photoshop to erase me out the photo. He is not able to sit up on his own yet.
So very cute!
Loved the blog and your elf is adorable. I started to say I wanted one, but with my husband and I being 80 and 85 we will just continue to enjoy the two store-bought elves. These two are fascinating to our great-grandchildren who visit them often.
Store-bought elves need love to 😉
Love your ulra-creativity and your baby’s oh-so-cuteness! Enjoyed it two times so far! Thanks for bringing on the smiles! ? ?
This is so creative and adorable!!!
He is too cute! Way to go on the pictures!!!:) i work with infants and its very hard to get so many smiling photos from them… Great job and cant wait to see the rest!!:)
Too CUTE!!!!!
Soooooo cute! I want one too! Welll, maybe not full time :o) I sure will enjoy watching yours though~Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas
Love this; so creative! I never thought for once you would endanger your little elf. We can’t constantly worry about other people doing stupid things.
Stumbling across this has made a great ending to a stressful, busy week. So awesome!! Thank you for sharing that sweetie with all of us!
I would allow an Elf on the Shelf in my house if I could have this one!
Dang and to think I wasn’t gonna read this !!!!
This is the cutest idea for Rockwell on the shelf !!! Now I wish I had thought about
this and knew how to do it .
Please start a yearly elf and put all your kids into it somehow.
Loved it !!!!!!!!!!!! And gonna figure out how to share with my family…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Rockwell and Family
Merry Christmas
Very cool! I would love to see what your family’s holiday card looked like this year! (Or, wait, is that the creepy fam at the bottom of this screen??)
Also, I wonder if your elf spends time with other creatures around your house? It looked like Godzilla and him had a lot of fun together. I bet more dinos, dolls, and trains could throw an awesome party!
BTW, i meant “creepy fam” in the best of ways – I totally get it. 🙂
I have to say, your blog along with the cutest elf ever have brightened my Christmas spirit. My kids got a kick out of seeing these photos. Such an amazing, creative idea, and the best elf on the shelf ever. He is so content in each picture, I am sure your family will have something to look back on years from now and laugh.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Awesome. Tell the kids Hi from the Elf. Merry Christmas
Thank you for these fun Christmas photos of the Elf on the Shelf. You are incredibly talented and thoughtful. Cudos. Bet you are the best dad.
So much fun! I can see the joy in your son’s face and he isn’t even old enough to know how darling he is! Please turn this into a book! Merry Christmas!
Will do. Merry Christmas
Alan Your little Rockwell “Elf on a Shelf” is the Cutest one I have ever seen! Great Job! Your Photography and Photoshop Skills are Fantastic!!!
Love his name, love his expressions and you’re creativity kudos
Very funny, and creative! Thanks for the entertainment!
These are the most original, adorable, cheerful, Christmas photos I have ever seen! Great job photshopping, Dad. Rockwell is a natural in front of the camera. I can’t wait to see more of these photos. Thank you so very much for sharing these. Merry Christmas Dad, Rockwell, and whole family!
Merry Christmas
Alan Your little Rockwell “Elf on a Shelf” is the Cutest one I have ever seen! Great Job! Your Photography and Photoshop Skills are Fantastic!!! Awesome!!!
Your baby, blob and photos – a nice reminder that they’re still sweet, wonderful moments in this world! Thank you 🙂
*there are
BEST THING EVER… love it – he is just the cutest thing ever you bought such a smile to my face with these… thank you SO MUCH for sharing the beauty AND THE FUN!
That is the sweetest little elf ever! I loved & enjoyed the pictures very much!
Sooo awesome! Love it! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Merry Christmas
Hey Alan,
The photos of Rockwell as “The Elf on the Shelf” are just wonderful. It is an excellent idea.
I am having a hard time deciding which photo I like better, the toilet paper, or the shower. Rockwell’s face in the toilet paper face is priceless, while your face, while standing in the shower, looking at him, was memorable.
So, what do you have planned for next Christmas? How can you top this?
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to you and your entire family.
Chris Mazur
Its going to be huge!
Merry Christmas
I love, love, love these pictures! I hate to say it, that I usually find the Elf on the Shelf completely annoying, but your elf has changed that. Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Great job Dad, good photography, absolutely the best and sweetest subject and love the creativity!!!
You are genius! Your little guy is so adorable and this made me like elf on the shelf- the concept usually drives me batty! Love, love, love!!
This is the most cutest thing I’ve seen in a very long time! Merry Christmas 🙂
Merry Christmas
This is going to make some memories!
I can’t quit looking at the photos and captions! Your sons, ideas, and photos are awesome! Thanks for the Christmas smiles you’re giving everyone! More, please! Marry Christmas to your big creative family!
Marry Christmas for time and all eternity
Very creative. Way to go dad. Adorable ?
Thanks for sharing your creativity. Too much fun!
Adorable little elf. Please make him a tradition and reappear again next year. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas
This is so adorable!! I wish I was creative like that!! This is amazing…but it only goes up to day 12 🙁 are you going to do anymore??
Great job!!
Very creative and cute! These are some blessed children to have a daddy like you! Merry Christmas and God bless you!
Merry Christmas
Comments from our 6 year old…the elf was the funniest post ever .my favorite one was when the elf was texting Santa!
This is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen!!! You brought a smile to my face today – Merry Christmas to your beautiful family. Love and peace.
Merry Christmas!
More elf, more elf!
This is so well done so far. Keep it up!
Love this… these photos are AMAZING! Merry Christmas to you & yours!
Merry Christmas
Omg he’s is so adorable and very creative
Adorable! Made my day 🙂 so creative!
Cutest. Elf. Ever. Enough said. ?
So good to finally read a news posting that is not bad. This was so refreshing…Your Lil Elf is the Cutest ever! What a brilliant idea, Kudos to you Dad! Happy Holidays to You & Your Family!
This was so cute. Love the story a long with your precious little elf Rockwell. I’m not a big fan of the elf on the shelf but my grandkids love them. This little elf hchanged my mind. At least I’m a fan of Rockwell. Merry Christmas and great job dad.
Merry Christmas
I laughed so hard at the etch a sketch picture, I cried! Hilarious!
Enjoyed your elf pictures so much! Rockwell is an adorable elf!
Very entertaining! Rockwell’s face is made of rubber! I hope there’s a book deal coming soon, cuz darn if those kids don’t grow up fast.
Awesome!! Merry Christmas from Chickasaw, Alabama! Love your idea andeond rail that your e sharing your bundle of joy!!
Merry Christmas
You and your ‘cutest elf ever’ made my day!
I haven’t seen anything cuter than this for a long long time.
This little one is an angel… and his dad deserves a standing ovation.
You said you photoshopped the pictures to hide the support to your little elf… amazing! Never seen anyone using photoshop at this level. Even after you said so, i can’t believe it! It is unbelievably well done!
Thank you for the blog. Hope you will take more and publish them as a book. Love to have a copy.
Wish you and your family a merry Christmas! May God bless you!
Thanks. Merry Christmas
Ah Dad, I love your elf on the shelve! He is just adorable! Thank you so very much for sharing this with all of us here at this amazing time of the yr. Merry Christmas to you and yours and the adorable little elf.
Merry Christmas
Way to invest in your kid! This be a great memory for you two as he grows older and I’m sure he will show all his friends how cool his dad was!
Love these pictures! Cuteness overload!! I cannot believe how well his facial expressions go with each of the different scenes. 🙂
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You ! You and your precious child just made my day! God bless your family this Christmas!
So glad I found this brilliant blog! I’m a mom of twins with autism and cognitive disabilities. They are 20 now and they, too, have an amazing Dad. Can’t wait to read more here! Absolutely adorable! Thanks for making my Monday!
This series is fantastic! Your son is adorable.
I’m glad I’m not the only wondering how a little one sits so perfectly! Way to go…you’re an inspiration to many mommies and daddies all trying to do the best we can with or without the elf craze! While I realize many of these are photoshopped, I have a feeling he really may be sticking cookies in the VHS and you didn’t have to edit too much….I love it!!! Thank you for the smiles!!
I thought Elf on the Shelf was creepy. Until I saw this! Kudos to your creativity and humor. You made my holidays so much happier. xoxo
I love the photos too. He looks so alert and content for being only four months old. I suppose he has a lot to look at with his older siblings always around. You make Photoshop look so easy! Thanks for spreading the Joy.
I love this! It brings a smile to my face with every picture! I love the dad’s creativity and I love the little guy’s face! Thank you for bringing some light to this gray, rainy day. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas
This has got to be the most adorable thing EVER!!! Bravo!!!!
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen with Elf on the Shelf! I laughed a lot. My daughter is 5 loves the one with him toilet papering the tree. My favorite is either the shower one or him drinking maple syrup. I looked into your posts about Wil flying as well; what a special family you have! Merry Christmas.
Love the creative thought you had in making this. Looking forward to seeing more sightings of your ‘elf’
Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas
Absolutely ingenious! Not to mention adorable. I admire your creativity and love for your children. It shows.
This world is still great 🙂 Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
You just made my day!!!! These are very clever and amusing. You must’ve had a great time doing them.i hope you carry this on for some time.
Unfortunately this is a sad time for me this year BUT you gave me such a wonderful giggle with your adorable little “elf” . Thank you somuch. God bless you.
Oh my gosh his expressions are killing me! What a cutie pie!!! Great job you all did with this. ?
Thank you for your genius. What a great way to capture childhood. Great job dad!
Great photos! So Cute! Merry Christmas to that little elf and the rest of your family!
This photo series is absolutely adorable and so much fun. Thank you for sharing it with us! My nephew just turned a year old and he definitely would help your little elf out with the shenanigans. 🙂
You have really made my lonely Christmas delightful! Thank you!
With all the crazy things going on in the world, it’s so nice to see such wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing photos of your lovely children Will & Rockwell. Happy Holidays!
you have a beautiful family. thank you for sharing your joys this Christmas season!! I can’t stop smiling-
Came across your website after seeing you featured on NBC news. These elf pictures are amazing but I was stunned when I saw your flying Wil photos. I’m a PT who works with kids with disabilities and these pictures are breathtaking and send such a powerful message. Thank you for your beautiful work.
Ha! This is awesome, I love the whipped cream!
Please put Rockwell elf in a book I want to read it to my grandchildren every year
Will do.
Your kiddo’s are so lucky to have a Pop like you, and you as well to have them…You make the best of every situations, You are an Awesome Man, thanks for sharing!
Alan, in this sometimes crazy world, you have created joy! ThAnks for the laughter. Now I am going to search out wil’s flying project. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas
I look at this almost every day! It’s so cute and really gets me in the Christmas spirit. Great job on the photos and Photoshop!
My congrats to the mastermind behind Rockwell’s duds. They are spot-on.
Too cute! And how great for the “embarrassing slide show” at his Rehersal Dinner!
Man, these pictures are so cute…..I laughed ag each one…kudos to you for putting smiles on a whole lot of faces this year. Merry Ho-ho!
Alan, these are so great! Thank you for the smiles & giggles. I struggle with this season badly but you made it a little easier for me today.
Many blessings to you, your family & your most adorable little elf!!
Thank you so much for sharing Rockwell, Elf on the shelf. I keep coming back to look at picts & see if there are more lol… I was telling the guys in my office about it (I work in a detective division) and when that said they hadn’t seen yet, wellllll I just had to share. OMG’NESS the deep belly giggles. Then I came across the pict of u catching him in the fridge hahahaha, thank goodness I wasn’t drinking anything cause the computer would’ve definitely has a shower. Seriously awesome job on all levels.
Goodness, Rockwell is the cutest Elf imaginable! His facial expressions show his intelligence also! This is incredible, he is lucky to have such great parents!
Great job Alan, I have been following your blog and posts since Wil was an infant. You and your wife are amazing parents and very talented as well. Merry Christmas and nothing but the best for your family in the coming year.
Thank you so much for sharing these adorable pictures with us! I’m another who has difficulties this time of year & this is so adorable it made my day. Thank you for the reminder of how magical Christmas can be, and may your family be blessed. Great job!
He is really cute!!! I want to get an elf too, so can you tell me where I can get one. THX^_^
This really is as good as it gets!! Thank you for sharing the pure joy of the season. May your family have a wonderful Christmas and be blessed with a happy & healthy new year…
Too cute! Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Soooo cute, can’t stop looking at your adorable baby! Brilliant!
What a blessing you are to so many people. Your elf has reached so very many hearts. Thank you for sharing your amazing talents as well as your adorable children. This is truly a gift of love, and it is appreciated! What a lot of fun you must have had, thinking up all of these things for the elf. Enjoy every single minute. And I applaud your success wrapping a toilet so perfectly!
What camera and lens did you shoot these with?
Great job with the composition, focus and creativity!
Thanks. Nikon D700 with 50mm or 24-70mm
I understand you totally. We once had a Saci Pererê, which is a kind of Brazilian elf that wears a red cap as well, around here and it was just a nightmare. You should have called the Ghost Busters, or some similar service. Now Christmas is over, I hope Santa have taken him away and leaved a lot of presents and much love for you all. Amazing pictures, you were lucky, not all of them like to show off in front of the camera like that.
You and your adorable son win the Internet *and* Christmas this year!
You made me laugh into tears! God bless you and all your adorable family! What a wonderful and creative dad you are! I was becoming insane reading that person that accused you to put your baby in danger. And I taught “come on, is this true? Living at XXI century and don’t you know what photoshop is?” Bah, such people doesn’t deserve my reply… please, keep this good work, because you are making a wonderful diary of memories for your kids when they grow older. And most of all, you are teaching us (we who are parents too) how to share all those good little things with our families !
Flawless execution. An absolute joy to see. Thank you.
I discovered your blog about a week ago! I have been so happy seeing your photos and videos. You have a beautiful family! I enjoy it tremendously ☺ You are an amazing photographer, and should consider another calender, featuring your little elf?
Oh my goodness!!! This is too cute 🙂
I stumbled upon this blog about a week ago, but I’m so glad I did I couldn’t wait to log on to instagram and see what new adventure your little elf brought about each day. You are very creative. My favorite was when your little elf was stuffing cookies into the vcr/tv. People need to think before they write. It was very obvious that the baby was not holding itself up and had they read you said many times that you used Photoshop. Thank you for giving people something cute to look at over the holiday.
This is so hilarious!!! So cute and creative!!!!! Thanks for putting a smile on everyone’s face!!!
A million thanks! You brightened up my holidays. Rockwell is cuteness personified.
this is the cutest/funniest elf i’ve ever seen!
Such creativity these parents need to get him into show business he knew how to act already
Just awesome. So cute.
Sat on a chilly Sunday morning in England this really made me smile . So funny , clever and inventive . I can just imagine how much you and Rockwell will enjoy looking at these when he’s older . Good job Dad ☺