One of the great things about social media is its ability to connect people who may have never crossed paths. Today we are fortunate to meet with the Lara family in San Clemente. Mercedes and Andy adopted their first child, Sunflower who is blessed with Down Syndrome. Sunflower is one of the cutest two-year-olds you’ll ever meet.
We stumbled across their family after noticing their adoption story on YouTube.
After watching their video we knew right away we wanted to get to know them better. Their adoption story made me think back to when Nikki and I were in the process of adopting Gracie, our oldest daughter. I’m not sure I would’ve been as quick to recognize or acknowledge a prompting from the Lord to adopt a child with Down Syndrome at that time in my life. I admire Mercedes and Andy’s faith and recognize now what they already knew before Sunflower was placed in their arms.
Be sure to watch the vlog post below from our visit and I will keep you posted when I have their family story video edited.
Love love love!!! And oh my goodness I remember watching their video – a long while back!! How did it take me so long to “connect” on IG!!! Can’t wait for more videos!!!